Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Fun In Idaho

We got to spend a week with my family and a week with Adam's family. We had so much fun.

Char and Dillon

Dillon looooves the four wheeler. He pushes the gas all by himself!
Grant didn't like it as much.

They loved Lendo so much I had to take Lendo away. Playing who can rub the newborns head the most was not a game I wanted them to be playing.

The May's house is a ton of fun. They got to play in the sprinklers for hours. Yes Dillon put the towel in the water and got it soaked.

We went to the park and both of the boys climbed up this ladder, there was a big gap that you had to climb over to get on the platform. Neither one of them could easily cross the gap. Good thing Fran heard them yelling and went to help..... while I took pictures :P

Dillon and Grant found the cookies. Team work boys!

See, put the two of them together and they can do anything =)

Brooklynn found some cheese

Out of all the toys at the park they wanted in the baby carrier. Crazy boys

Look they took turns. What you can't see are all the tears and tantrums when it was not their turn to be in it.

Then the other boys decided to swing as high as they could and jump!

Look how high Nik goes! We thought someone was going to break something for sure.

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